A “black swan” event is one that you don’t expect but one that you should account for. In finance, it broadly means something that nobody could have reasonably foreshadowed, but which has a dramatic impact on world economies and stock markets. COVID-19 is the classic black swan. Nobody could have, in all reasonableness, expected for…read more
Some of us shudder at Dad jokes. Others get clammy hearing compliments. But what makes me cringe? Tallying up all the money I’ve pretty much thrown away on groceries, that’s what. Thinking about the days I’d drop a pineapple on a wheel of cheese or buy my toilet paper in cute little blocks of four…read more
Money is the cause of so many fights in relationships. Take the emotion out and get it down on paper. So, here are a few money moral dilemmas. I have some friends who are couples but aren’t on the same page when it comes to money. Of course, I will change their names, ages, marital…read more
The delicate balance between inflation and interest rates A few months back I explained inflation … and that your personal inflation rate might be quite different from the official cost of living measure the Australian Bureau of Statistics puts out. But inflation is in the news right now because if inflation is rising, it is…read more
We often see couples celebrating in front of a house with a big “Sold” sticker. But I think we should be celebrating with “Paid Off” stickers. I am about to make the final payment on my first investment property. It’s only taken me 10 years to pay it off, and so I’m feeling very proud…read more
Hello, I’m Shelly Horton and I’m a Stock Market virgin. But 2022 will be the year that I pop my cherry and actually invest in the stock market. I’m 48 years old and I still consider the stock market gambling. But I’ve now got enough intelligent friends, family and experts telling me that in fact…read more
Don’t let the ghosts of your past mess with your afterlife – Get a will! *And you can forget about leaving your dough to Brad Pitt. There’s little doubt that at some time in your life, someone has told you to get a will. As you get older, people tell you all sorts of other…read more
Asking for a pay increase after a pandemic sounds as palatable as drinking a fish milkshake. Many organisations will be struggling, so asking for a pay rise at a time when they’re struggling to start up again and keep other employees on could be seen as a douche move. However, some industries boomed during COVID.…read more
One of the things that frustrates me most is people who say: “If only I had enough money, I would retire on the spot. “And do what?” I normally reply. There’s a reason ageing rock-bands like The Rolling Stones, The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac (in all their various incarnations) keep on playing. Some of the…read more
Paulette Perhach first popularized the term F*ck-Off Fund when she wrote an essay that went viral a few years ago. She built up hers—and then used it to travel throughout South America and jumpstarted her dream career. A F*ck Off Fund can be for positive reasons like that or they can be cause you need to…read more
Volatility is the enemy of the patient person; the friend of the opportunistic. Nope, I’m not quoting anybody … I just made it up on the spot. But then I had to check Google to see if anybody else said it first. Nope .. phew … proceed. Other Google quotes I found are close. “Volatility…read more