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Month: June 2021

Want to take the worry out of tax time? Get professional help!

Tax time comes with a lot of worry.  Receipts, accounts, log-books – it all adds up to a headache.  Which explains why more than half of Australians use an accountant.  When it comes to reconciling business tax, the figure rises even more. There are a couple of really good reasons to get professional help at…read more

How is the VIC lockdown affecting the economy.. and you?

Time to be an adult and do a budget

Now I would love everyone to think that when you’re a journalist, you get the kind of star salary a Karl Stefanovic or Kochie earns, but trust me, when you’re a bit player in a very large organisation, the money’s not great. Plus, you do not go into the media if you crave stability. Shows…read more

Post COVID Investing: Risk Management V Opportunity

Right now, as an investor, you must watch the economic numbers. Logic tells you that the higher that asset prices go – for shares, property … anything really – then the higher the risk. There is one proviso … if whatever is underneath the asset is growing faster than the price – a share price…read more

Single parents and first home buyers get big budget boost

Single parents saving for a property and first home buyers are the big winners from this year’s federal budget. Today we’ll break down the three schemes that will help them crack the property market sooner. In recent months there have been signs that first home buyers are beginning to shy away from the property market,…read more