Money habits are everything! Kissing the nine-to-five goodbye and becoming your own boss is a dizzying experience. The dreaming, the refining, the hustling, the self-promoting, the, you know, working! Let me tell you from someone who’s been there, it’s a lot. And then some. So trust me when I tell you one of the biggest…read more
Lets start with GIFTS Is there a better feeling than spreading a smile across a loved one’s face? Chocolate, sex, even 90-minute massages have got nothing on helping your favourite people glow a little brighter. I’d figured it was my driving force behind forking out thousands on presents over the years. Birthdays, weddings, babies coming…read more
More jobs … more taxes … any speed-bumps ahead? Lets talk about the 2022 Australian budget and what it really means for all of us. This year the Government will collect a record $508 billion in tax from Australian workers, businesses and retirees. As more people join the workforce – and unemployment falls to 3.75…read more
Who doesnt overspend.. ? Keeping up with the Joneses is stupid. Whatever happened to running your own race? Aussies put so much pressure on themselves to keep up appearances they are overspending, eating into their savings, and causing fights with their partners. I think it needs to stop now. According to new research by Finder,…read more
*If you’re not fighting inflation, you are! Is your wage keeping up with inflation? The simple answer is, very sadly, no. While our incomes have all stayed flat, or even went backwards during Covid, the price of living has gone up. Surprisingly, you CAN make inflation price-creep work for you. Let’s investigate! $8.80 for a…read more
While most Australians dream of owning their own home, the majority of hopeful homeowners admit they don’t fully understand how home loans or mortgage rates work. That’s why we make it our mission to enlighten you during your home buying journey. They say knowledge is power. But this week we stumbled across some interesting stats…read more
Single parents saving for a property and first home buyers are the big winners from this year’s federal budget. Today we’ll break down the three schemes that will help them crack the property market sooner. In recent months there have been signs that first home buyers are beginning to shy away from the property market,…read more
The finance industry has a bunch of acronyms and abbreviations that can make the home buying process a little confusing. But they’re not as difficult to understand as you might think. Take our short quiz to see how many you can answer! Below we’ve listed eight commonly used acronyms and abbreviations in the mortgage and…read more